To My Future Son & Daughter,


May 25th, 2016

By the time you read this, the world will be a whole different place. The buildings will be taller, phones will be slimmer, blogging will have evolved and I won’t be struggling to access WIFI like I do right now. It will be a basic need.

Morals will be on the verge of extinction. They already are, (hence my reason for praying for you this early), and I will have probably gained a few pounds thanks to you guys.

I don’t know the number of years that will have passed from the time I write this, but I just want you to know how much mommy prayed for you. Before the thought of having you even existed.

From personal experience I know the importance of a good upbringing by parents. I’m also aware that parents can go only so far in shaping your life, but prayers, prayers go far and beyond.

So this is the prayer I wrote for you, it’s more of a letter, but a prayer nonetheless;

To My Darling Son,

I pray that you’ll grow into a fine, handsome young man. A man who is strong yet gentle, intelligent yet humble, ambitious yet kind.

I pray that as you reach your teenage years, when you feel you are mature and mom’s word is ancient, that the foundation your dad and I will have laid in your life as a kid will be strong enough. That you will remember our teachings, each time a friend suggests you tap that, puff some, or take a sip. I pray that you, my son, will be the type of man who stands by his principles and says no even if it’s considered ‘uncool’.

I pray that you will be a gentleman. Oh how I pray for that! And not just to pretty Lisa from around the corner, but to the old lady standing on the bus as you sit, to that pregnant mother juggling to hold her kid and a bag of groceries, to that man whether young or old who needs your help.

I don’t know if ‘team mafisi’ will still be in existence, though I’m pretty sure if it won’t, it will have graduated to something worse. I pray that you will be a man who treats women with respect. One who sees them as fellow human beings and not objects of pleasure. There is beauty in being exclusive my dear. In finding a beautiful flower and sharing your all with each other at the right time.  Don’t let your manhood be described by the number of girls you score. You are better than that.

More importantly, I hope that you’ll pursue your dreams, goals and vision with all that you have, regardless of whether I approve or not, because at the end of the day, it’s your life you are living, not mine. I hope you’ll always know how unique you are. How great you are.


To My Beautiful Daughter,

I’ll begin with this, because I know it will be one of the biggest battles you face in your life. Beauty! I have no doubt of how beautiful you will be, but I pray that your beauty will be like that of the woman in 1st Peter 3. A woman whose beauty surpasses that of the physical, that of braided hair, fine clothes and jewellery. A woman whose beauty stems from within, the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit, that is precious in God’s sight. That my dear, will draw attention without you working too hard.

I pray that you will know your worth, from your tender age. I pray that your identity will not be in your pretty face or the figure of your body, but in God and who he says you are.

I pray, actually I think I should  fast, that the word ‘sponsor’, let alone the person himself, will never cross your mind. My angel, beyond that pretty face lies a smart intelligent brain that has the power to achieve far and beyond what your body can. You don’t need to use your body to get anything. God has given you everything that pertains to life and godliness. Use that. (Plus you run the risk of putting your mother in jail because I’ll kill that man and ship you off to a desert )

Finally, believe in yourself. There are times when you will have insecurities. There are times you’ll meet people who will attempt to crush your hopes and dreams with their negative words. Don’t let that rob you of who you are. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Keep making a step towards your dreams every day.

Above all my children, I pray that you will find God, for yourselves. Your dad and I will give a head start, but it’s up to you to make that personal decision and cultivate your own unique and intimate relationship with Him. I really pray that you will for life is meaningless without Him.

Till then, I’ll spend my days praying for you in every way, as well as googling possible baby names (I already have a couple). -)

Can’t wait to meet you.





93 thoughts on “To My Future Son & Daughter,

  1. Admirable. A sober prayer with the power to reach into the future…

    I also hope I will not be related to a murderer in future!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you God for this prayer by Ivy!May you accomplish it for all my grandchildren according to the covenant I have with you(Isaiah59:21). God knows these children already according to Jeremiah 1:5.”Before I formed you in your mothers womb I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart as a Prophet to the nations”. Ivy keep up and may our Father in heaven, Almighty God support you dear in Jesus name. All glory to God our Father who is in Heaven. Mommy


  3. All I can say is wow! This is my best….

    I pray, actually I think I should fast , that the word ‘sponsor’ , let alone the person himself, will never cross your mind. My angel, beyond that pretty face lies a smart intelligent brain that has the power to achieve far and beyond what your body can. You don’t need to use your body to get anything. God has given you everything that pertains to life and godliness. Use that. (Plus you run the risk of putting your mother in jail because I’ll kill that man and ship you off to a desert J).


  4. “You don’t need to use your body to get anything. God has given you everything that pertains to life and godliness. Use that.”
    This is a piece that even single person looking forward to being a parent out there should read..
    Great work Ivy, may you be used of The LORD to transform this generation.


  5. thus is amazing… Thankyou ivy for writing this.. more so allowing God to mould you to be a model for your future children. Truly, God has alrwady started taking you in that direction.. God bless you..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I just stopped here to read this and I can say with confidence it is such a great article. God is already watching over them before they even come. I like it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful piece… “team mafisi and sponsors” will be history to them just the way world war 1 is to us…. Hehe.. Your sons and daughters are already blessed and lucky to have you as their future mom. Good Job dear.


  8. I had to stop my activities and read this!!! Your skills and sincerity in your pieces will go a long way in shaping the tomorrow generation.


  9. mommy…. I’m sorry that team mafisi will forever grow. but we do appreciate that men and women with dignity will always journey through these lands and try to make a difference; not only to themselves bit to others.


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